Jason Raphael Susanto - SMAK 1 BPK Penabur - Bandung
Hello everyone, my name is Jason Raphael Susanto, currently an 11th grader at SMAK 1 BPK Bandung. Recently I won the Indonesian Olympiad of Science for English, and I want to thank MentorKu for helping me into achieving that. For the past 4 years, my English skills have improved significantly, not only at grammar, but also at reading, writing, and speaking. Learning at MentorKu means you are learning a step or two further than what you are at school, and you are also learning about the outside world -- about the environmental, social, scientific, historical, and political issues as well. For the past year, my classmates and I have been preparing for “requirement tests”, such as IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, and so on. It is all a part of our preparation in order to increase our chances of getting a scholarship abroad. In addition to that, MentorKu also guides its students to a better character. We are also told to always put God first in everything we do and to always rely on Him. Thank you MentoKu. God Bless you all.

Kevin Jonathan - SMAK 1 BPK Penabur - Bandung

Studying at MentorKu really helped me in developing my english. the material provided is also not only school material, but sometimes there are open discussions on certain topics where we can discuss and express our thoughts. In addition, the teachers are also very supportive of us. they will be willingly to help us when we have difficulties. I highly recommend taking a course at MentorKu. Have a good study
Bryant Adriel - SMAK 1 BPK Penabur - Bandung

Saya sudah mengambil kursus bahasa inggris di MentorKu sejak kelas 1 smp dan MentorKu sudah banyak membantu saya dalam menguasai mata pelajaran bahasa inggris serta dalam meraih nilai yang memuaskan di mata pelajaran tersebut. Di MentorKu, bahan pelajaran dijelaskan secara rinci dan lengkap dengan cara yang mudah dimengerti, bahan yang diajar juga tidak hanya seputar grammar inggris saja, tapi juga ke teknik speaking dan pronounciation kata per kata juga diajarkan. Guru-guru yang mengajar disana juga asik asik , suportif, baik dan menyampaikan materi dengan sangat jelas. Bagi teman- teman yang ingin belajar inggris , tentu harus pergi ke MentorKu!

ASEAN Scholarship: Mathew Marchel Lim

Studying overseas was always my childhood dream, but not through a scholarship programme. It all started as a mere joke between me and my parents, a challenge that we never thought would hand me a ticket to continue my education in Singapore. I was what everyone will consider as a pretty decent student back then in my previous secondary school. I received several Math Olympiads certs, was a student councillor of my school, and was also part of the school futsal team. However, I kept on thinking that it wasn’t good enough to win a spot in this program for a fact that I was competing against hundreds of other applicants. Until I received the email to undergo the written selection test in Jakarta. I had a very short time of preparation, but I am beyond grateful to meet MentorKu. I was prepared really thoroughly for the selection test as well as my interview process. I came feeling unconfident but always left each session feeling inspired and motivated to give my best shot. I can say without the help and guidance of the teachers in MentorKu, I will not be where I am today. Receiving this scholarship is more than just a dream come through, it is God’s grace. If I can make it here, you can do it too!
written on 31 May 2020ASEAN Scholarship: Caroline

Hello :) I’m Caroline, recipient of the ASEAN Scholarship for AY 2016. Currently, I am studying in National Junior College, Singapore. This year marks my 4th year of my scholarship term in Singapore and it has been quite some time since the first time I was informed of the opportunity to study in Singapore.
At that time, I was still unsure of what to do or how to prepare myself for the test. One day, my senior recommended me to take the scholarship preparation course in Mentorku to better equip myself with the skills necessary for the test. Personally, Mentorku really helped me with my preparations for the scholarship as I was exposed to the various questions that might appear in the actual test, starting from the IQ test to the comprehension questions. However, on top of it all, I believe that the most crucial skill that I learnt from the course is the ability to communicate and express my ideas in the English language.
Mentorku provides an environment that promotes the use of English when communicating with teachers and peers. The confidence is speaking the language would provided me with a comparative advantage when it comes to the interview segment of the test, as interviewee are expected to be able to vividly illustrate their points with proper and fluent English.
Many may have thought that school-based scholarships grant student a higher chance of getting it due to the lower scale of competition. While it may be true to some extent, I wish to assure you that the ASEAN scholarship is not any different. In 2016, I applied for the school-based scholarship test for Anderson Secondary School. Unfortunately, on the day the test was due, I was struck by dengue fever, got hospitalised, such that I was unable to take the test. At that time, hope was dim and I didn’t think I had any chance of obtaining the scholarship anymore. However, I decided to attempt the ASEAN scholarship test anyway. Long story short, after a series of written tests and an interview, I received a letter which indicated that I was one of the 12 people who were selected to be the recipient of the ASEAN scholarship. I was posted to Commonwealth Secondary School with the other ASEAN scholars from other countries. It was a joyous moment and I couldn’t thank everyone enough for helping me throughout my journey.
Studying in Singapore has enhanced my knowledge and helped me to grow as a person. In this difficult time, I would like to encourage this year’s eligible students to strive through and take the challenge of taking the ASEAN scholarship test. It is not easy, but it does not mean that it’s unattainable. I hope my story can inspire you to kickstart your overseas learning experience, too. Good luck and God bless :D
written on 8 June 2020School-Based Scholarship: 12 students (5 girls & 7 boys)

Jonathan's testimonial for MentorKu
ACS (Independent), Class of 2015
ASRJC, Class of 2018
School of Biological Sciences - NTU (under ASEAN Scholarship) - 2020
written on 2 Sep 2020Arvin's written testimonial for MentorKu

The literature lessons that I took at Mentor over a decade ago were formative in my use of the English language. I had always been confident in my English, but that was it: I was not yet able to contextualise language use, nor was I aware of how language is used to shape emotions and beliefs. These are skills I still work on honing to this day and I am grateful that I got started on this process with Mentor. I appreciated the structured critical thinking process that Mdm Sophia introduced me to, and since then I have been able to develop my own process of understanding and using the English language to its full use. Thank you again, Mentor!
ACS (Independent), Class of 2013
BS, Johns Hopkins University, Class of 2018
MD/MPH Candidate, Tufts University School of Medicine, Class of 2022
Arvin's LinkedInClara's written testimonial for MentorKu

MentorKu had played a pivotal role in helping me to obtain the ASEAN Scholarship awarded by MOE Singapore in 2010. MentorKu is always well equipped with experienced teachers and extensive resources. As a result, my learning experience with MentorKu gave me the confidence and provided me with the necessary skills in English language to ace the scholarship tests and interviews. The strong foundation built with MentorKu had also helped me when I ventured my educational journey in Singapore, starting from Xinmin Secondary School to Temasek Junior College ,and Singapore Management University. Therefore, I am very grateful for the learning opportunity with MentorKu!
Clara Marcella Subrata
Audit Senior, Ernst & Young LLP Singapore
Clara's LinkedInWait for more testimonies in slideshow